Monday, July 13, 2015

It has been a long while....

So, I guess I haven't posted in awhile; when I looked at this blog a couple days ago, it was March 22nd since I last posted. Where in the world do I begin? Life since the last posting? Or most recent events? Hmm....

I guess I will start with most recent because even though I have a very sharp memory, my mind is drawing a blank at events since my last posting. Okay, on topic time now...

A couple weeks ago, my cousins from Nebraska and Pennsylvania came to town. Let me tell you, I tend to get along more with my adult cousins (Andi, Aj and Brian--sister and brothers from my Uncle Terry) more-so then my kid cousins (Kayla and Jared; my cousin Andi's kids). Each day we did something different that we consider fun here in Northeast Ohio; Monday was Put-in-Bay (island excursion in Lake Erie), Tuesday was a Cleveland Indians game (Go Tribe!), Wednesday was Cedar Point (roller coaster capital of the United States and not too far from Put-in-Bay), Thursday was just a shopping day at the local outlet mall, dinner then playing games until 1 a.m. ("Anything can Happen Thursday" as what my family calls it) and Friday was a day at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (which I got in free because I showed my student ID for the local college I go to, Yahoo!).

All in all, it was a nice week with my cousins..minus the end of the week where my attention span "left the building" It started started Friday when we (my siblings, me, and cousins Andi, Brian, Aj and Kayla) went to the Rock Hall. I was fine the whole time we were there but when we were heading back, my attention span wasn't 100% there. By the time nighttime fell, I was hoping (in one instance) my cousins could stay another day but (in another instance) I knew that they had to get back to Nebraska and Pennsylvania and return to their normal lives. My cousin Andi knew something was  up because I wasn't very chatty. It took me awhile to be chatty again and when I did, I asked Andi if we can FaceTime (video chat) now and then so I don't go through "cousin withdraws" until next year's vacation; she agreed. I felt a little bit better that night but the next morning, it hit me again because it was "Adios day".  As I said goodbye to each of my cousins, it got harder and harder to keep back the tears. I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to cry but as my cousins piled into their cars, I bursted into tears. Andi and I haven't FaceTime yet but I'll doing it soon.

Speaking of Andi, here's a picture of her and I from Cedar Point.

Hmmm...what else did I do since my last posting? I recently spent a couple days in Chicago...actually, it was last week. Why was I in Chicago? I would say it was a mid-week getaway but more or less, my parents and sister had tourist type passes that they planned to use back on Valentine's day/Presidents day weekend but because of a pesky snowstorm, they couldn't use them (sad face). We arrived Wednesday night, went to get deep dish Pizza (yummy yum) then went to bed. Thursday was an all day tourist day ranging from going to the Shed Aquarium to the Willis (Sears) Tower. Once again, we had deep dish Pizza for dinner. Fun fact I learned that day: Chicago can be loosely translated to "stinky onion". Friday was a day at the Lincoln Park Zoo then heading back home. All in all, a nice mid-week getaway from home.

I guess that's it. I hope to write more before fall semester starts end of next month.  Thank you for reading this novelish post.  :)
